Freedom Riders’ Foundation

The Freedom Riders' Foundation, founded 2001, promotes knowledge about the American Civil Rights Movement and particularly the 1961 Freedom Rides, as a charity approved under Internal Revenue Code Sec 501(c)(3), EIN 93-1048117.

Freedom Rider Diary

by Carol Ruth Silver

(Published 2014 University Press of Mississippi)

Freedom Rider Diary

Arrested as a Freedom Rider in June of 1961, Carol Ruth Silver, a twenty-two-year-old recent college graduate originally from Massachusetts, spent the next forty days in Mississippi jail cells, including the Maximum Security Unit at the infamous Parchman Prison Farm.


1961 Freedom Riders’ 40th Reunion

The Freedom Riders

This page was established in 2001 and has been preserved as a continuing resource on the Freedom Riders, even though both the 40th Anniversary and then the 50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides has now passed (it was celebrated in 2011 in Jackson Mississippi, as well as in the last week of the Oprah Winfrey show).
